Monday, November 8, 2010

Next weeks Q & A is one I have been working on for a long time, since it was asked it in April!

The gross KFC double down broke sales records here in Canada.  A sandwich, that uses fried chicken instead of bread broke sales records.  This is why people are fat.

Q. Anonymous said...

I also threw up in my mouth when I heard about the "Double Down". It would be awesome if you wrote about fast food that is FIT BITCH FRIENDLY! It would take some homework but you could get your readers to help you.

I only suggest this because there is always a day where you get stuck eating something from a fast food establishment whether it's Starbucks, Subway, Quizno's, Wendy's, Tim Ho's etc. There might not be good choices but there are definitely better choices than others. IT would be great to have some ideas on this!

Great blog.
Reader who sometimes eats out

To follow next week!

1 comment:

  1. I see that Tim Hortons just introduced "Oatmeal" to their menu... curious... lol
